So this weekend i took part in ludum dare 48, i made my game for compo (48 hours, solo, you need to make everything yourself)
i actually had a blast making my game, i love enter the gungeon, so i decided to make a boss rush game, in the bullet hell style simallar to the gungeon, it was a fun challenge for me, since i never really made a proper bossfight before, so i could try something new, and i think i did it pretty good, last boss lacks a bit of signaling, but other than that i think the attack patterns are pretty good, also i think i did pretty good job on the art for the game, got way better since my last ludum dare
oh hey I played this, and yeah, I still stand by what i said in that review :)
yeah i totally get that lack of music is annoying, but trust me, i am terrible with music, if i would make a track for this, you would scream in agony from playing lol